The client
Assemblea Natzionale Sarda (ANS) is a democratic, plural cultural association, open to anyone who wants to contribute to the process of building Sardinian national consciousness. The association works to protect and promote the Sardinian linguistic, historical and cultural heritage. ANS animate Sardinian people to stop being spectators and become active protagonists of the future.
The challenge
ANS was born without any visual identity, without a strategy to promote itself. The ambition of the group of people and their enthusiasm has been the first inspiration to me, to design the visual identity ao the association.
Main concepts
The visual image was designed around 4 main concepts:
• Open Community
• Modernity
• Teamwork
• Freedom
Alle these man concept where applied designing the logo and corporate image. But also with strategic choices.
ANS has produced several videos, both promotional and historical and cultural outreach. It has also produced interviews and debates disseminated through its digital channels. It has also produced events in collaboration with a local TV station. The visual identity of this video content was designed consistently with the visual identity of ANS. The work included animation and motion graphics.
ANS website was designed with the main goal of generating a ‘call to action’ effect for users. The idea was to present a young image who could suggest positivity, optimism, and hope to be invited to take part in or act with the association.
My task was to plan the multimedia design and visual identity for the project. The goal was to design the multimedia platform to place content to be simple, usable, ordinate, recognizable and nice to see. Visual design had to be discreet but with a strong visual identity.